Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Fired Sacco

I woman called Justine Sacco, while flying on a plane sent out a tweet saying 'Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just Kidding. I'm White!' Before the plane landed her company put out a notice that she was terminated. The company also stated that despite the controversial tweet, it had “otherwise known [Sacco] to be a decent person at core. As bad as that tweet is, I believe the company should have called her into the office and her managers should have questioned her about the tweet and then based on their investigation, if warranted should have fired her. We have teachers in New York City who are in what is called the rubber room. These teachers are known child molesters but they cannot be fired because the union protects their jobs so they just go to a special room each day and collect their pay. Reassignment centers are holding facilities for New York City Department of Education, where more than 600 teachers accused of misconduct were paid to work full time doing nothing for months or years at a time while awaiting resolution of their cases.[1] Among teachers they are referred to as rubber rooms.[2]The city has 13 reassignment centers.[3]

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