Friday, December 20, 2013

Read my lips

The controversy over The Presidents statements about keeping your doctor are reminiscent of Bush 41 who said, “read my lips, no new taxes” and then proceeded to raise taxes. Polls showed that most people agreed that taxes had to be raised but those same polls showed that people no longer trusted Bush and it cost him his re-election. The Gulf war ended in early 1991 and his ratings soared to 86% but during his run for re-election the Republicans who ran against and then in the general election the Democrats constantly showed him in commercials saying no new taxes. His poll numbers dropped to the low 40’s and he lost to Clinton. It didn’t help that Perot as an independent got 19% of the vote but his broken promise did him in. You can bet that in the up-coming elections you will see many ads against Democrats running for office reminding everyone of the pledge of keep you doctor.

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