Thursday, December 5, 2013

Iran enrichment

The news about the agreement with Iran is being presented with an upbeat positive spin but the whole truth is not being told. Here is a quote from Secretary Kerry. Iran will stop enriching uranium beyond 5% and neutralize its stockpile of uranium enriched beyond this point. The amount beyond is about 20% and could be used as a bomb but would be bulky and awkward. The bomb dropped on Japan used 80% enriched. What Iran has done to neutralize is to change the uranium hexafluoride that is used in the centrifuges to uranium oxide. What is not revealed is that this oxide can easily and quickly be returned to the hexafluoride. In other words they have kept their 20% product on hand for future use. One common way to deceive is to reveal only part of the story and in this case it is the saying that they have neutralized without pointing out that this process is reversible. Another point has to do with inspections. IAEA has been inspecting the civilian plants but not the military instillations and this process will continue but it is presented as if this is some new inspection.

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