Wednesday, April 9, 2014


There is a famous line that says, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. As Putin makes his move into Ukraine it is apropos that we review Europe between the great wars. Putin said he took over Crimea because there were Russians living there who wanted to rejoin the Mother Land. Now he is saying that Russians living in eastern Ukraine are being mistreated and is leaning toward going in to protect them. When Hitler came to power he took back land that Germany lost in the first war. He first took back an area known as Sarrland and then the Rhineland then Anschluss followed by Prussia. In these areas Hitler claimed that the Germans living there were being mistreated. Next he took Sudetenland and Austria saying the people there wanted to be part of Germany and each time Western Europe complained but nothing more. England sent Chamberlain to talk with Hitler and Hitler promised if he could have the rest of Czechoslovakia he would not take an any more territory and Chamberlain rushed back to England raising the document and declared peace in our time. Within months Hitler invaded Poland and the war began. Europe was exhausted after WW 1 and the people wanted nothing to do with war so they responded with words as Hitler expanded his empire. The same thing happened as Japan invaded Manchuria and then China. The League of Nations established to protect small countries from being invaded by more powerful countries did nothing. It behooves the world to pay attention to what Putin is up to.

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