Friday, April 11, 2014

Smoking gun

As the congress investigates the various so called scandals in the Obama administration the democrats complain that have investigated and found nothing. They say there is no White House involvement so the rest is just political. I have heard this argument before. It was in April of 1972 when a couple of guys broke into the Democratic Headquarters in the Watergate Hotel and it was not considered worthy for congress to investigate. In was only because two reporters continued to look into it that finally more than 2 years later the President resigned. During the first year of the investigation not much happened and the complaint from the Republicans was that this was all a political witch hunt and there was no there, there. Even after all the facts were made public President Nixon would not have been found guilty if it were not for the infamous tapes. Nixon in order to write his memoirs had installed a voice activated tape recorder in the oval office and these tapes revealed his part in the whole affair. It was the smoking gun. The same thing happened to President Clinton with the blue dress. It is difficult to tie the president to a crime without the smoking gun and presidents know this. It is what is meant by plausible deniability. People working directly for the president are expected to fall on the sword to protect him. It is akin to the blue wall in the police department. This is one of the reasons why presidents often seem to be in the dark on major issues.

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