Saturday, November 8, 2014

Liberal and Conservative

In order for America to grow and prosper both liberals and conservatives are needed. Conservatives see economic freedom as the foundation for other rights. Usually it is the push for these economic freedoms that raises the standard of living for everyone. Once people feel that they have a reasonable income with some degree of job security, they then feel comfortable looking at other benefits and this is where the liberals come in to the picture. It is the liberals that emphasize the importance of things like safety nets and voting rights. Once the economy is producing good jobs then people are willing to look outside of their immediate lives and want to help those in need and those who are discriminated against. When a man cannot feed his family he is not interested in gay rights. It is only when he feels economically secure that he will look around to help others. Conservatives looking at the business world must keep in mind the concept of doing good while doing well and liberals must remember where the money comes from to help others. When both groups know that the best welfare program is a good job then progress will follow.

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