Saturday, November 22, 2014

New congress

As the new Republican controlled congress takes over in January, I have some suggestions to take place in the first 100 days. First of all seal the southern border and follow that up with a promise to offer citizenship to all the illegal aliens who are in the county except for those with criminal records and they will be dealt with, on a case by case bases. Change the existing immigration laws to allow foreigners who get their advanced degrees here to stay here if they choose. Second, open up the Green River Formation in the west and start the energy revolution that will provide good paying jobs, reduce the trade deficit and solve the problem of CO2 emissions. Approve the 16 permits to build LNG (liquefied natural gas) port facilities so the US can ship LNG around the world to Europe to reduce their dependency on Russia and to China to help with their smog problem. Pass legislation encouraging the move to natural gas for the entire transportation industry. Offer low cost loans to build natural gas stations at all truck stops and further low cost loans to retrofit all trucks to use natural gas. Begin the process of installing natural gas pumps at all car stations while setting the ground work for manufactures to produce cars that run on natural gas. Encourage industry by way of the EPA to move all power plants to natural gas. Lay out the plans to start utilizing methane hydrate, the almost unlimited supply of natural gas, found just off shore and use the process to sequester CO2 as they mine the gas. Recommend and approve the cost for The President to destroy ISIS using whatever means the military experts deem necessary. Increase economic pressure on Iran to halt their nuke program. On a piece by piece approach repair, change and delete Obamacare and build a program that will cover the poor using the existing Medicaid program. Tax reform to lower corporate tax rates and simplify the code. Allow US companies to bring home the two trillion dollars tax free that they now hold overseas.

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