Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Military spending

I have written the past about how the country tends to cut back on military spending after a war and used the example of how troops were sent to Korea without proper equipment. Yesterday on the radio they interviewed a Korean War veteran and he explained how his group arrived in Korea and did not see any action. Then at 2 AM they were awakened and told to get ready to go to the front. They were given their rifles but they had no ammo. The sergeant told them to use their bayonets. At the end of the cold war the military was cut back because the thinking was that any new wars would be high tech with air power and the need for troops on the ground would be minimal. When the next war came along the troops had to go three and four tours of duty because we were short on ground troops. The armor on the vehicles was inadequate and had to be replaced as many lost their lives and limbs. Then came the complaints from the American people about the shabby way our troops were being treated and many of these people were the same ones who demanded we cut back on the military.

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