Thursday, March 5, 2015

Iran Israel

Israel is the US closest ally in the Middle East and is in peril. Israel’s nemesis Iran has threatened on numerous occasions to “wipe Israel off the map”. Iran is the leading promoter of terrorism around the globe and has zeroed in on Israel. Israel is about the size of New Jersey the 5th smallest state in the United States and it is surrounded by enemies mostly financed by Iran. There are enemies in Lebanon which is east and in the Golan Heights which is southeast and Saini on the west while Gaza and the Sea lies to the north. They only safe border is Jorden to the south. Recently an Iranian leader said that if Iran got the bomb and nuclear war broke out between Iran and Israel the result would be the death of all 6 million Jews in Israel and 500 million Muslims around the Middles East but in the end there would still be one billion Muslims and no Jews and that is an acceptable trade off. Iran is a country where women are treated as second class citizens, where the press is controlled by the government and where people are imprisoned because of political differences. Israel is a country much like America in regards to laws, society and culture. When 6 million Jews were eliminated during WW ll, the world said never again but unless proper steps are taken, history repeats itself.

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