Wednesday, March 18, 2015


For those who may have forgotten Bush 41 had approval ratings in the high 80’s just after the first Gulf War and a year later lost his bid for re-election. When he ran for president he made a pledge not to increase taxes. His famous quote, “read my lips, no new taxes” came back to haunt him and his ratings dropped to under 50%. He made an agreement with the democratic congress to raise taxes and they agreed to lower spending. He raised taxes but congress failed to cut spending. Bill Clinton used this phrase many times stating that Bush could not be trusted because he lied about taxes. Then Clinton lied about the blue dress and his approval ratings are high. Years later President Obama was given the liar of the year award by the Washington Post regarding his oft repeated statement that you could keep your doctor but he suffered only slightly in the polls. As time passes having a president who lies seems to be less offensive.

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