Friday, March 6, 2015


In Presidential elections the personality of the candidate carries a lot of weight. Democrats were thrilled with Clinton and Obama as they were both charismatic. They lost with less sparkling people like Dukakis, Gore and Kerry. On the Republican side Reagan and Bush seemed like stars compared with Dole and McCain. This coming election Hilary ranks with those less attractive and on the other side the candidacy is up for grabs. Hopefully this coming election will be based less on personality and more on issues. If that is the case the results will depend on turnout since it will be a battle of political philosophies. Will the voters want to continue the process of redistribution or look more for growth? If all of those people who are currently dependent on the government vote, then Hilary will win but if they stay home she will lose. It takes a little over 60 million votes to win and about one in six Americans are receiving government help and of that group about 40 million are eligible to vote. Many blacks were motivated to vote by Obama but since they are suffering double the rate of unemployment of whites they may not make the effort to vote this time and that will hurt Hilary. She is targeting young females but their unemployment rate is also high. If it is strictly an issues election then a Kasich/Rubio team (which means Ohio and Florida) will have the best chance to win.

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