Thursday, June 23, 2016

Guns and climate change

During President Obama’s first term in office there was a 4 month period when the democrats had a filibuster proof 60 votes in the senate and a large majority in the house meaning that they could have passed any bill they wanted. Most of this time was spent pushing Obamacare and other items were set aside. The President says that unless climate change is addressed it will be the end of the world as we know it but nothing was introduced at that time when the democrats could have passed any law they wanted. The decision was made to put Obamacare above climate change so the question comes up, is climate change really as important as they now say it is. Recall that Gore’s documentary on Climate change came out in 2006 and it was called a “planetary emergency”. These past couple of days the issue of gun legislation has been in the news and once again the democrats could have passed any bill they wanted in early 2009 but they chose not to act. There were 15 mass shooting in the US between 1999 and 2009 including the Columbine High School and no action on gun violence was taken by the senate or house at a time when the democrats could have passed whatever they wanted.

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