Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Save face

There is a dilemma that all elected official may and often do face and that is what happens if my constituents do not agree with my position on important issues or even more disturbing what if we differ on a personal belief. Some say you must vote your conscious and run the risk of not being reelected. Others say you were elected to represent the people and that is what you must do. Others say you should resign. We are seeing this played out in the current presidential election. Republican leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell find that many of the things that Trump says conflicts with their beliefs. Trump is the clear choice of the voters so do these men discard their positions and follow the people or do they refuse to back the people’s choice and stay home on election day or do they resign. The third choice of resignation will happen when hell freezes over so their only hope is that Trump will moderate some of his positions to the point where they can save face. This will likely happen over the next few weeks.

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