Saturday, June 4, 2016


The pressure is on Trump to become more presidential and move to the center. This means he should poll test his positions and then have speech writers put together his talking points and memorize those and spit them out whenever he is asked a question. He should get out the teleprompter and read each speech that has been carefully vetted to make sure he doesn’t offend any person or group. No more spontaneity, no more off the cuff stuff, no more speaking from the gut but stick to the prepared remarks. This way all the experts who have spent their lives following politics can once again be right on target with their predictions and everyone will be happy except for the middle and low income people who will be stuck with four more years of what they have lived with for the past 20 plus years. Their incomes will continue to decline, their view of the future will continue to be dark and dismal and all their dreams for their children will remain disappointing. The top issue in this election is jobs and Hilary will not create jobs since this is beyond the scope of government. What she can do is send a check to people using some government program. With Trump no one can be sure what he will do but there is a slim outside chance that his approach being so different might make a difference. His ideas about making a level playing field for trade deals may keep some jobs from leaving the country and even bring some back. Don’t hold your breath because the establishment people will prefer Hilary with her tried and proven ways of winning elections. This way their power and influence will not be threatened. They will all continue to promise a better life to the middle and low income people but it will only be promises.

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