Thursday, September 1, 2016


Once again we have to watch candidates for president make the same promises they always make and once again we hope against hope that they can succeed. We are hearing both sides say the immigration system is broken and they are going to fix it and this has been broken for many years. We hear both sides say they are going to fix the VA and this has been broken for many years. Just two years ago the government came out with a plan to fix the VA and not much has changed. They promise good jobs for the middle income people whose incomes have dropped. We are Charlie Brown and government is Lucy pulling the football away from us. We have become cartoon characters. The working people are so fed up with all these broken promises that they will vote for Trump just because he is different. It doesn’t matter that he is a big mouth and hurls insults around, they are desperate and are willing to take a gamble, that by some miracle he may bring about some real change, not just the words hope and change but real change. He is fighting against globalization and by making new trade deals may offer some short term relief to the middle income groups but long term these people will have to get new skills and those most likely will require more formal education.

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