Friday, September 30, 2016


As the election draws near and the battle rages between the old pro and the new kid on the block, all those who vote the party are lining up in their usual positions but the undecideds are in a dither. The establishment, who for many months poo-pooed a Trump victory suddenly came alive and the press, the politicians, the business people and the bankers are piling on to save their sacred rungs high on the ladder. The college educated who have slowly moved up are going for the pro and those like the chimney sweeps on the bottommost rung are looking to Trump. The big question is will the old Reagan Democrats come out and vote. Most people are passively for and actively against so these folks only vote when their ire is up. They are plenty smart enough to know that if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you always got and they are not happy with what they got.

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