Wednesday, September 14, 2016


One of the many ways in which Trump is changing this election has to do with entitlements like social security and Medicare. He has stated that he will not touch these government programs, that he feels they are part of our society and we must find ways to pay for them. For all of my adult life, I have heard that we cannot keep going in debt and for the most part, conservatives believed this and have promoted the idea of changing social security and Medicare. Trump has now reversed this and joined the liberals by taking entitlements off the table. This has caused a great anxiety among the true conservatives and has them in a quandary. The way to solve the debt problem is to increase economic growth. This happened in the last few years of the Clinton administration when the GDP was above 4%, and it can happen again with the right approach. It certainly will not happen with the GDP averaging 2% since the year 2000. In looking at the establishment candidates that included about 14 of the Republicans and Hillary Clinton, there were none who would not continue the status quo. Trump has turned the world up-side-down and this is just what many voters want. They are fed up with the blah, blah, blah they have been hearing from candidates for the past too many years. They are willing to overlook his many verbal gaffs in the hope that something different might come out of this election. The “they” I refer to are most of the 70% of Americans who are not college graduates. If they go to the polls with the same numbers that they go to Trump rallies they can turn the tide against the establishment and put Trump in the White House and after that get ready for fireworks as these displaced establishment types will do everything they can to fight against changing their world.

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