Saturday, October 1, 2016


This would be a great election if it were dominated by policy but instead it is dominated by personalities. Look for example at the two plans to stimulate the economy. Clinton wants to raise taxes and then have the government redistribute that money in ways that the bureaucrats feel is equitable. If left to their own devises the people might not spend this in a proper way. Trump wants to lower taxes and will then rely on the people to grow the economy. Liberals are often concerned that if the people are allowed to spend their own money certain groups would be left out. Clinton’s plan to raise taxes on the rich includes 350 billion by capping itemized deductions at 28% 450 billion capital gains tax 275 billion business tax 80 billion inheritance tax 1.15 trillion or 111 billion per year Latest figures from the government show that total income tax paid was 1.23 trillion and the top one percent paid half of that or 600 billion. Clinton plans to raise taxes on the rich to pay for her economic plan by 111 billion so the one percent will then pay 53% of all taxes while the bottom 50% of taxpayers pay no income tax. I am all for taxing the rich but this will not grow the economy. Instead of making the pie larger it will just change the size of the pieces. It is spending by the private sector that makes the pie bigger. The GDP has been growing at less than 2% for the past year and that will not grow the economy.

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