Tuesday, October 11, 2016


While I am concerned about the Russians interfering with our election I am more concerned about our own press. They seem to think that Trump is so bad that they have abandoned their main responsibility of reporting the news and have become active participants in helping to decide who wins. Recent email revelations show that some news agencies have given advanced information to Clinton for some town hall meetings. Emails show that a NBC debate host bragged about going after Trump. If you look at the backgrounds of the top Washington reporters and the people they report on you will find a cultural link. Most are well educated and many in the same schools. They tend to socialize together, frequenting the same restaurants and attending the same lectures and seminars. These people have very little in common with the blue collar tradesmen that find Trump exciting. They are not outdoorsmen who like to hunt and fish. They are not interested in NASCAR or bowling. They don’t live pay check to pay check. Their kids don’t struggle in school and they certainly don’t join the military. These two groups are a world apart and the press people think that Trump supporters represent the low information voters and do not have the education to properly evaluate the big problems facing the country. I have said before that on any big issue the experts are on both sides so anyone has just a good a chance as being right as the experts.

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