Monday, December 26, 2016


Speculation about how Trump will lead is the latest parlor game and I am all in. One of the main reasons for grid lock in government is the fact that party beats country. Neither party wants the other party to get credit for any success. If the White House comes up with a plan that can help the country the other party is against it and the reverse is true. With Trump we have a man who is totally pragmatic that is he will go in whatever direction is needed to accomplish his objective. This means you can expect him to be very friendly with Chuck Schumer. Soon the Democrats will get over their loss and wake up to the fact that they have the best possible Republican president they could ask for. Trump has never talked about budget cuts, said he was going to leave Social Security and Medicare alone, has promised to rebuild the infrastructure and for the union guys he wants to pull the teeth from NAFTA and the TPP is DOA. Trump has put conservatives in his cabinet to satisfy his base but his policies will be more to the center. When it comes to passing his agenda, Trump will not need the far right because he will have help from the left. There will be a lot of bi-partisanship in the passage of his proposals. One of the first big tests will be the infrastructure spending and that will be followed by tax reform. The first he needs Republicans to compromise and the second he needs Democrats to compromise. These first two challenges will require the art of the deal.

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