Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Most people understand that any administration can deal with multiple issues simultaneously and most would agree that it is important to prioritize the various items on the agenda and thus the surprise at Secretary Kerry’s one hour and ten minute speech on the Israeli settlements. Would this emphasis be better placed on things like ISIS, the massacre at Aleppo, the Russian intervention in Ukraine, worldwide terrorism, or China’s incursions in the South China Sea. This opens the door to conspiratorial types who see this as slam against the Israeli leader Netanyahu. This is a speech that could have been given anytime in the past 8 years so why now? I am not sure what is going on but I am hard pressed to believe that the President of the United States would carry out a revengeful act because he is upset with the way Netanyahu behaved when he accepted an invitation to speak before a joint session of congress. As President Obama in prone to say, we are better than this.

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