Thursday, December 15, 2016

Never again

In 1999 in the African country of Uganda an estimated 800,000 people were massacred mostly by chopping them to pieces using machetes and the west stood by and watched. After that the familiar cry of never again resounded across American so in 2011 two women in the Obama administration, Susan Rice and Samantha Powers convinced the President to invade Libya. Seeing that Gadhafi was about to invade the city of Benghazi and kill civilians these women recalling Uganda came up with a policy called, “Responsibility to Protect” and with the help of Hilary Clinton convinced Obama to invade Libya. A short time later a similar situation arose in Syria and the President said Assad must go but nothing happened. Next the President said that if chemicals were used the US would take action and nothing happened. The last four years the west once again watched as innocents were killed by Assad’s military. The cry of never again has taken on a rather hollow meaning.

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