Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Health plans

Health care has shown everyone that the Democrats are more adept at presenting plans than are the Republicans. When Obamacare came out the cost were estimated at 848 billion over ten years. Recall this plan was put together behind closed doors and then thrust upon the American people with the promise that it would insure 31 million new people and would save the average family $2,500 per year. Later when the CBO report came out it said the cost would be 2 trillion over ten years and the number of new people insured would be 25 million leaving 31 million still without insurance. Here is where we stand today; About 44 million people in this country have no health insurance, and another 38 million have inadequate health insurance. How did they keep the cost under one trillion which was their goal? They based the cost on the ten years between 2010 and 2019 but provided services only for the last 6 years so the 848 billion was really over 6 years not ten as advertised. Smart! Remember, they gamed this thing so that it wouldn’t take effect until 2014, which means that the cost of the first four years of implementation was essentially zero. So, let’s do the math on that: In 2009, we were told it would cost $848 billion to insure 31 million people. That’s $27,000 per newly insured person. Now we’re told it will cost $2.004 trillion to insure 25 million people. That’s $80,000 per newly insured person—about a three-fold increase since passage. Now as bad as all that looks realizing that $8,000 per year ($80,000 divide by ten) is not bad for health insurance. The problem is the deductibles are so high that most people still pay out of pocket for most of their insurance needs. The exception is low income people who pay no cost and have no deductibles so that $8,000 per year is foist upon the middle income working people and added to their cost. The bottom line is that we have spent a lot of money and still have a lot of people uninsured which points out that something must be done but the Republicans have not figured out what. We are moving toward single payer or Medicare for all but no one has come to that realization except Obama and that was his goal all along. My compromise plan is to put all uninsured people into Medicaid and let the rest use heath savings accounts.

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