Thursday, March 9, 2017

Prove innocence

On the news today I heard a person say that if you haven’t done anything wrong you should welcome an investigation to prove your innocence. Buyer beware! Recall the case of Scooter Libby an assistant to VP Chaney. He was accused of releasing the name of Valarie Plame as an agent for the CIA. While his case was being adjudicated Richard Armitage admitted to the prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald that he was the one who outed Plame and that Fitzgerald asked him to remain quiet while he continued the prosecution. During cross examination Libby lied to the Grand Jury in order to keep himself from looking guilty for a crime he did not commit. He was thus found guilty of perjury on a statement that had nothing to do with the crime he was charged with. After his conviction Armitage came forward and expressed his sorrow for what happened. Libby had to pay a $250,000 fine plus many more thousands in legal fees and was sentenced to prison but President Bush commuted his sentence. He lost his job and was disbarred. When the prosecutor goes fishing you cannot be sure what he may find.

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