Sunday, March 26, 2017

MN health care

The Republican attempt to replace Obamacare has come up short and so Obamacare remains the law of the land. For Minnesota tax payers this is not good news. There are over 100,000 Minnesotans who receive subsidies to pay for their health care and many of these pay nothing for their plans and they have no deductible meaning their insurance is free. This leaves the other 123,000 Minnesotans left on Obamacare to pay the full amount. Throughout history various people have gained positions of power by promising to take from those who have a lot and give to those who have little. It has been pointed out that this does not work because there have always been too few rich and too many poor. It is possible to take from the middle upper income group and give to the middle lower income group since there are large numbers in both groups and this is what is happening in the health care situation. Even though these two groups have large numbers the rest of the state tax payers are being asked to pony up $313 million to shore up Obamacare. This will get worse in future years unless something in the law is changed. If and unless the two parties in Washington get together there will be a lot of people who will be unable to afford insurance just so the low income people can have free insurance. These numbers do not include the 200,000 Minnesotans who still have no health insurance.

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