Sunday, April 2, 2017

16th amendment

The 16th amendment was passed in 1913 and this allowed the federal government to collect income tax. Many people felt that the constitution was violated by the way the tax was apportioned and so they refused to pay. I had a close friend who was a member of the John Birch Society and he and a number of his friends refused to pay their taxes and they were set upon by federal agents and soon found themselves in a heap of trouble. During the 50’s a number of states refused to integrate their schools and they too were soon in hot water. When a lady working in the courthouse in Kentucky refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple she too was confronted by federal agents. The Supremacy Clause in the constitution clearly states that federal law is superior to state law and thus these attempts to circumvent federal law are always shot down. We are now faced with the latest challenge as many cities and a few states are refusing to follow federal guidelines on illegal aliens convicted of felony crimes. This time the feds have decided not to send in agents to enforce the law but have decided to withhold funds. This may work in the long run but there will be many days or even years in court first.

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