Saturday, April 29, 2017


I offer the following as a layman’s view of the North Korean situation. The danger in waiting involves a number of risks the most ominous of which is the submarine. They currently have 70 submarines with 10 capable of launching missiles. If waiting allows them to developed submarined launched missiles with nuclear war heads then the chance of destroying their military without substantial damage to the US mainland is lost. If a first strike is determined to be the best action it must happen before the sub missiles are ready. How it would be done is probably in the planning stage at this time. Just what would that look like? There are a number of dangers that must be addressed simultaneously to destroy their military with a minimum of risk to our allies in South Korea and Japan. First off is the demilitarized zone (DMZ) which is the 160 mile border between North and South Korea. Along this border they have 12,000 artillery pieces along with various types of rocket launchers. Using the advantage of first strike the US would send in stealth bombers to knock out radar and immediately follow up with conventional bombing using 80 B-52’s each one carrying 100 five hundred pound GPS guided bombs. The planes would fly in a line across the DMZ with all planes dropping their bombs simultaneously. These planes would drop one bomb every 1000 feet for the entire 160 zone and this would neutralize the enemy forces in that area. While this was going on tomahawk missiles would be launched from the air craft carrier to destroy the missile launch sites and jets would be in the air to destroy any enemy planes that may take off. Within a few hours their military would be destroyed leaving only tanks and troops which are no match for air power. I go through this exercise to illustrate if an amateur sitting on the side lines can develop a plan the military experts can certain come up with a better one. To wait saying things like Soule will be destroyed before we can stop it means we just wait until they get the nuke submarines. Everyone wants to take the easy road and say wait and this is likely what will happen. It will be a couple of years before the nuke subs are ready and after that it will be just a matter of appeasing a dictator.

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