Sunday, April 2, 2017

Press people

Many people are upset because they feel the press is being too hard on Trump. The press should be hard on all elected officials. When it comes to the president they should be doubly vigilant. They should question everything he says and does and more importantly they should follow up with investigations. One of the reasons people are upset is that the press has been asleep for years and are just now getting back to the job they are charged with. So many things went on during the last administration that led to problems because no one chose to look beneath the surface. One glaring example is the VA. When Obamacare was presented some objected to government run health care and they were told to look at the VA as a government health plan and how efficient it was run. People familiar with health care knew of the problems with the VA. These problems had been around for many years but the press just rolled over and no one bothered to investigate. It was only later that problems like the long waiting times were exposed and even after that not much was done about it. When the people were told that Obamacare would insure 31 million new people and the cost would be $2,500 per year less per family it was just accepted as fact. They even brought out the famous hockey stick curve to show how the cost would come down. The same goes for the claims of keeping your own doctor and keeping your own plan. Government is not to be trusted and the press should make every effort to check every issue. Trump has given new life to press people that seemed to have forgotten their main purpose.

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