Thursday, November 8, 2018

Business approach

It is often said that Trump is a business man and not a politician and this idea will be tested now that the democrats have taken control of the house. While politicians are credit oriented and thus prefer party over country, a businessman is results oriented and does not concern himself with credit. Trump can now set up programs that will benefit the country by giving congress the credit. He can increase taxes on the higher incomes and lower taxes on middle incomes. He can use federal money to set up new infrastructure plans since democrats are not concerned about deficits and agree to a path to citizenship for dreamers and their parents for a border wall. In each case he can praise the congress for its forward thinking and cooperation. This will give Pelosi a legacy to retire with and congress some achievements to run on in 2020. While all of this domestic activity is happening Trump can continue his strategy regarding tax free trade agreements.

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