Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Man behind the tree

Back in the 50's a eugenicist suggested that all those with an IQ below a certain level be sterilized and upon first reading that seemed reasonable but when I discovered that I fell into that category, I immediately dismissed the whole idea a poppycock. Years later the same concept arose with the matter of taxes. I felt taxes should be increase on rich people of which I was not. The old adage of don't tax you and don't tax me but tax the man behind the tree was my thinking. Now that I am old an poor but wiser, I have a new perspective. I have secretly been pushing the concept of the wealth tax and I was hoping some prominent politician like Bernie Sanders would pick up the idea and run with it. I now have set up the parameters to put this plan into place. The tax will be 5% of a persons net worth, that being assets minus liabilities. There will be a $50,000 exemption because that is my net worth. I am going after the man behind the tree and let's see who that might be. Most people I know have a two or three hundred thousand dollar house with another 10 or 20 grand in personal property including cars along with some savings and a little in a pension plan. Their net worth would be about $200,000 and 5% of that is a mere $10,000. Now I know all of you people who are interested in helping us poor would gladly send a check off to the government so I could have a little better life style. After all it is only fair since I worked my entire life and I deserve it. My question to you is how does it feel to be the man behind the tree.

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