Saturday, April 13, 2019

Move illegals to cities

Trump has suggested that illegal migrants be transported to sanctuary cities but that is not necessary because they will likely go to those places on their own. These are areas that promise not to call ICE and offer benefits such as healthcare. California has the weather they prefer and there are large areas of immigrants who speak Spanish and can help newcomers adapt. It is the logical place for them to go. If they are counted in the upcoming census California will receive a larger share of federal government benefits and possibly gain another seat in congress. California offers drivers licenses to illegals and you can register to vote on line using a driver license. The voter registration application asks for your driver license or California identification card number, or you can use the last four numbers on your Social Security card. If you do not have a driver license, California identification card or Social Security card, you may leave that space blank. Your county elections official will assign a number to you that will be used to identify you as a voter.

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