Saturday, April 27, 2019


Joe Biden gave a speech and spoke about the days when he grew up and said, "We learned the dignity of work, and we were told that anyone can make it if the just try hard enough". Over the past 50 plus years there was a gradual change that happened so slowly that most did not notice it but in looking back it become quite obvious. To put it simply, it used to be that people thought, if they worked harder they would get a raise but that has changed to, if you give me a raise I will work harder. It wasn't just about money but that is the mechanism used to evaluate work. Work is a part of life just as school is for younger people. Work gives people a feeling of accomplishment. You know you are an adult when you are paying your own light bill. People who suffer an illness or disability and cannot work understand the value of work and how it adds dignity to life. Some able bodied people of working age have found a life without work and they have short changed themselves without even realizing it.

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