Thursday, April 25, 2019

Online school

In most high schools students are issued computers and they use these to receive their lessons and to turn in their assignments. I subbed this week in a math class where they started a new chapter on polar coordinates and there was a short lecture followed by examples of problems and then an assignment doing problems with answers and then problems without answers and these were turn in to be graded. I mention this because it is training for colleges of the future. It requires more discipline on the part of the student and those without that ability will lag behind and realize they are not ready for college. It means only those with means who want to use college years away from home as way to grow up will go off to school. Others will work from home only going to campus periodically for exams. The cost of home college is far less and this will allow anyone with the needed maturity to get their degree. I have taken on line courses and it is great when listening to a lecture and you need clarification you just back up and review. The course work is available at your convenience. Even courses like chemistry the student will only go the campus for lab work.

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