Saturday, August 1, 2020


During President Obama's speech at the funeral of John Lewis he joined a chorus of other democrats suggesting that the senate eliminate the filibuster which he called a remnant of Jim Crow days. It requires only simple majority vote to remove the filibuster. The senate was controlled by the democrats in 6 of Obama's eight years in the White House and chose not to take that action. Some democrats have suggested that if Biden wins the presidency and the democrats retake the senate they should vote to eliminate the filibuster. Once done they can then vote to make Washington DC and Puerto Rico states giving them four new senators. Next they can increase the number of Supreme Court Justices to 12 or 15 in put in all liberals. These things are sometimes short term victories as was seen when democrats changed the rules allowing Supreme Court appointees to be approved with a simple majority and that lead to the appointment of Gorsuch and Cavanaugh. Be careful what you wish for.

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