Thursday, August 6, 2020

Virus vs paycheck

Yesterday I went to Cabela's in Woodbury to get some fishing stuff and the traffic was bumper to bumper and the parking lots were jam packed and there were people of all ages everywhere and this is a community that is trying to decide if they should open the schools. The argument between safety and the economy is in the eye of the beholder. All government workers, federal, state and local are getting paid. All retired people, those on disability and on public assistance are getting paid. People working from home and those on unemployment are getting paid leaving only a small minority who are bearing the brunt of the bad economy. Americans, by a large margin (30%), feel we should not open up the economy. In the case of the schools my guess is that if school administrators and teachers did not get paid the schools would open. Most teachers, especially the younger ones, cannot afford to miss even a few months of income and in many cases both husband and wife are teachers making this a double whammy. While the virus is discussed in terms of safety vs economy the real argument centers around the pay check.

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