Friday, June 16, 2023


The bureaucracy has grown to powerful and has become a de facto forth branch of government. Trump challenged this power when he threatened to drain the swamp and the bureaucrats responded by attempting to rig the elections in 2016, 2020 and now 2024. In 2016 they came up with the claim that Trump was a Russian puppet and that he and the Russians colluded to win the election. Subsequent investigations proved this to be a hoax. Then in 2020 the bureaucrats claimed that the Hunter laptop was disinformation and banned social media from saying other wise. Although the pandemic slowed the Trump agenda many feel the hiding of the Hunter information was critical to Trumps defeat. Now comes the 2024 election and the bureaucrats have charged Trump with a crime hoping that his voters will desert him. The bureaucracy must have their sails trimmed and Trump is the only one who can do that. They need to be relegated to their original purpose which was to assist the other three branches of government. The most concerning part about the power of the bureaucrats is the way the press has joined forces with them to maintain their power. The demise of the free press may be the most damaging aspect of these past few years. In the past they would show their bias by spinning but in today's world they just ignore reporting anything that doesn't fit their agenda.

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