Saturday, June 10, 2023


It is normal for authoritarian leaders and dictators to covet the neighboring territories. China is eyeing Taiwan, for Russia to look at the old Soviet Empire, Iran wants the Middle East and North Korea want South Korea. This is not the case with democracies. France doesn't want to invade German and the US doesn't covet Canada. At the end of WW 2 the allies didn't look for new territory but the Soviets took over half of Europe. These countries all start out with socialism and end up with communism. What do the citizens think of this form of government. Just look at the former Soviet Union. The shelves in their stores were barren and they put up a wall to keep the people from leaving. North Korea is a mess and China has a one man rule and he will do whatever to keep power. He has already disposed of any rivals. Over and over again free market capitalism has proven to be the best type of government but every time the income disparity gets too high the siren call of socialism lures the people into a downward spiral of self destruction. The latest victim was Venezuela where the economy was strong buoyed up by the oil business. The government then decided to nationalize the business so they could share the profits with the poor people. The people were all for this and gave power to the government. In a few short years the economy crashed and the money left the country, Starting in 2014, members of the country's elite and public officials embezzled more than $1 billion from Venezuela's state-owned oil company. The scheme exploited the country's foreign exchange system. The same thing happened in Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed and now there are Russian billionaires (oligarchs) living the good life in places like London while the people are struggling. It always ends up the same way. Like Orwell said, in socialism everyone is equal but some are more equal.

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