Thursday, June 8, 2023


In a free and open society differences are resolved through debate. There is normally a wide variety of opinions but as discussions continue the majority moves to the center where the two sides face off to reach a final decision. Abortion is a good example. There are some who feel that life begins at conception so any abortion is murder and others feel that abortion can be used at any time for convenience sake. Most people have views somewhere in between the extremes and in time agreements will be reached that satisfy the most people. This is currently being done on a state by state basis. This works as long as the conversation remains logical and civil. If the discussion is about the border but the opening remark is anyone who is for restricting border access is racist the conversation ends and there is no debate. Often times when people resort to name calling it means they cannot present a strong argument in their favor. Resolution requires a willingness to listen to the other side. When you hear words like racist, sexist and homophobic you might as well just go home.

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