Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Joe Biden won out over 7 candidates in the 2020 democratic primary because the insiders felt he had the best chance of defeating Trump and they were right. The same strategy was planned for 2024 but they have run into some snags. The idea that Biden could beat Trump again has lost some steam as recent polls show a tie. Other polls show that 72% of voters do not want Biden to run which includes 52% of democrats. More polls show that 71% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Finally for all those who are willing to take off their political blinders Biden is seen as being physically and mentally unfit for a second term. While many are predicting that Biden will announce early this fall that he is not running for reelection the power brokers are hanging on because of the possibility of ballot harvesting. They saw the effectiveness of this in the 2020 election and the 2022 mid terms and feel this is their ace in the hole. The republicans, although caught unaware of the ballot harvesting, will now go all out in the 24 campaign. The candidate that wins the ballot harvesting strategy will get 90 million votes and be the next president. The second reason the power brokers will hang on to Biden is VP Harris. If Biden does not seek reelection that leaves Harris as next in line and this means others will run and that means primary debates and this could spell disaster for Harris. The party insiders understand that stepping over the first Black, female VP for some outsider would be terrible politics. In addition, running a new comer against Trump would risk losing the White House and probably the senate. Their only option is to keep Biden and hope that ballot harvesting will save the day.

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