Sunday, July 2, 2023


There is a lot of pressure on teachers these days to keep up with the assigned lessons. That is why it is important for a substitute teacher to carry out the instructions left by the teacher. Because of the time constraints the teacher must stick with the lesson plans and not be side tracked by other non academic issues. It is up to the parents to determine family values. When students have questions outside of the lesson plan the teachers should refer the student to the parents for answers. Teachers have not the time nor the expertise to advise students about non academic subjects. When students ask what religion is best for them or which political party they should vote for the teacher should refer the student to the parents for answers. If a student asks if sex outside of marriage is wrong or if homosexuality is a sin they should be referred to the parents for answers. In today's world if students are confused about their gender the teacher should refer all questions to the parents. Most teachers do not want to get involved in such personal matters and in most cases they are not qualified to answer such questions. Teacher will likely have different values on many of these issues and should not interfere with the family values of the students and most teachers would like to avoid discussion of such matters so they can spend their class time teaching their subjects.

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