Monday, July 31, 2023


When Covid first came out it was found in Wuhan, China and there was a lab in that city that was experimenting with this virus. Among the first explanations scientist said the virus came from a nearby meat market. This immediately caused many to wonder why. Over the years more and more evidence has come out pointing to the lab as the source and this week Dr Fauci's boss told a reporter that Fauci misled people to believe that the virus came from somewhere other than the lab. New information shows that Fauci's misled the public to cover up his involvement in the gain of function research. In the process of the cover up Fauci attempted and succeeded in shutting down other scientist who pushed the lab theory. This is where the idea of misinformation started. Anything that was contrary to what Fauci wanted was discredited by calling it misinformation and this led to other information in other areas the did not fit the agenda of government. It was a way to shut down free speech. There were many aspects of the pandemic that turned out to be wrong but if anyone pointed this out at the time they were shut down. They were able to get away with this because the issue had become political and as I often say, nothing with destroy good science like politics.

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