Thursday, November 21, 2024


The future of MSNBC is up in the air since the election. Back in 2016 when Trump won the network maintained a reasonable audience by promoting the Trump/Russia hoax. They would reveal new information on regular basis and people tuned in to hear the latest. The fact that the investigation came to the conclusion that there was no collusion did not deter the listeners as they were fully committed to certain belief and they held to them. This time there is no major theme to hang on to but a series of smaller events like cabinet appointments and minor skirmishes regarding rights of trans people. In order to gather and hold onto an audience in today's world it seems necessary to look for a niche sector. MSNBC listeners are mostly anti Trump people and so the network will probably continue to produce negative stories about Trump in order to keep its rather small group of faithful viewers who find their comfort zone where they can hear talking heads ridicule Trump. In time Trump will make moves that alienate certain groups and the network will be able to pick up some of those and make a come back. Without the use of NBC network facilities MSNBC will become more like a podcast.

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