Sunday, January 16, 2011


Rep Jim Clyburn of South Carolina was on CNN today and said the problems with handling the oil spill are complicated by the fact that there are more than a dozen government agencies involve and coordinating the different groups is difficult. Duh! This man is a liberal who believes that the government is the best entity to solve problems. Here is one small example of the difficulty.

The government said that people will work around the clock cleaning up the beaches and then OSHA stepped in and said they could only work two hours at a time because of the heath hazards and before they start they must attend a four hour HazMat class. You can look this up as I didn’t want to since I am sure it would make me sick.

Once more on my rant about oily birds. The saviors of these birds have a spotter helicopter that flies up and down the beaches and when they see a bird they radio the ground crew who then dispatches a boat to the birds location. Most of the time the ground crew is unable to capture the bird. Yesterday after working all day using the helicopter and four boats with ground crews they were able to rescue 21 birds. I think I am going nuts. I plead with the news people not to let me know the cost per bird of this noble adventure.

Have a nice day

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