Sunday, January 16, 2011


I generally check in on the English Al Jazzera site and in today’s news they pointed out that the entire Arab world was pulling for Algeria in the soccer game. In line with the Obama policy of going out of our way to try and get along, I think we should have lost the game on purpose and then all those Arabs would like us better. We missed an opportunity to engender good vibs from our Arab friends.

I wonder if Patraeus demanded that the July 11th pull out date be rescinded as well as the don’t shoot until your shot at rule before he agreed to take the job. Recall that Senator Obama was outspokenly against the surge in Iraq which Patraeus successfully handled. After the success Obama had a change of heart

Barack Obama purges Web site critique of surge in Iraq


Monday, July 14th 2008, 8:10 PM


WASHINGTON - Barack Obama's campaign scrubbed his presidential Web site over the weekend to remove criticism of the U.S.troop "surge" in Iraq, the Daily News has learned.

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