Sunday, January 16, 2011


Dick Morris reports that since Fox News is now the station of record for things political they plan to conduct debates with the Republican candidates for president on a regular basis starting next years. This will give lots of exposure to these candidates and more importantly it will allow the voters to decide if these people are qualified to be president.

I find this particularly interesting because most people have concerns about Sarah Palin in regards to her understanding of the major issues. If she has been doing her home work and is able to answer questions with knowledge based answers she can turn around the view that many if not most people currently have of her.

Since many of the talking heads consider her to be some kind of dunce the bar is set low and she could easily surprise her critics and rise to the top of the group. If she has not done her homework she will quickly been seen as a loser.

The really interesting part is that most people can learn about the issues but most cannot be taught charisma which is her strong point.

If she proves that she is in charge of the major issues she will be hard to stop and with her way with people she would present a formidable challenge to Obama in any debate format especially since teleprompters would not be allowed.

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