Sunday, January 16, 2011


The Blago verdict is in and he is not-guilty on all charges except lying to the FBI. The irony is that what he lied about doing was not even illegal but non the less he will get off with a slap on the wrist.

The interesting thing to me was that all of the tapes of Blago on the phone were played for the jury but the tapes of his interviews with the FBI were not played. I am wondering what was on those tapes as the first time I heard that they would not be played was several months ago and my first thought was that there were things on there that might implicate some higher ups. Then I heard that the prosecution did not present a strong case and this further heightened my curiosity about the case. Then there was Blago’s confident attitude and insisting that he was going to testify and at the last minute deciding not to take the stand. As I add all of this up I came to the conclusion that he was told that if he kept his mouth shut he would get off. We will find out when they interview the jury how many jurors voted not guilty and if there was only one my suspicious mind would lead me to believe that this person might have been a plant.

One final thing that while the FBI tapes are kept quiet the tapes of CIA interviewing terrorist were to be made public which confirms my idea that there is something very damaging on those tapes and I don’t mean damaging to Blago.

We will see how this plays out.

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