Sunday, November 24, 2013

Iran nukes

As I watch the negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, I am reminded of how Saddam Husain used the west, in his claims of not producing WMD. His strategy was to hide his efforts from the IAEA inspectors to create doubt as to his intentions. It was a classic case of miss-direction. He would say he had no such weapons and when the inspectors came to verify, he would secretly move resources around, giving the impression that he was hiding something. All the while this was going on, he was allowed to sell oil for food and medical supplies, money that he used instead to build up his army and increase his personal wealth. Every time he claimed that he had destroyed the weapons, which by the way we and other countries gave him, the IAEA would ask where he did this and he would not tell them. He knew that they could test soil samples and determine if he was being truthful. This game of cat and mouse went on for years until the US finally invaded and took down his government. Now we have Iran playing the same miss-direction game. They have suffered economic hardships because of their potential threat to build a bomb. Just like Saddam they have been willing to let their people suffer short term hardship to achieve a long term victory. They have built rockets to use as delivery systems and in the process have kept the price of oil up. This threat has kept their enemies in the region at bay and made them into the power house in the Middle East. Now they are in a position to collect economic benefits that have been withheld plus a lot more. President Obama is in a weakened position here at home and looking for a success in foreign policy and he is willing to ignore warnings from our ally Israel. Iran is still holding on to the threat of building a bomb but in a slightly limited way. It has always been my contention that Iran never wanted a nuclear bomb and I base that on the fact that they have been working with the latest technology for 25 years and have yet to produce enough enriched uranium to make a single bomb. In the 1940’s the US in the Manhattan Product created enough enriched uranium to make a bomb in three years using equipment from that time period. There is more going on here than meets the eye!

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