Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sick care

With all the news about health care it occurred to me that it is a total misnomer. Yesterday on the news they said we spend 2.7 trillion dollars per year on health care and the way I see it is that we spend 2.7 trillion dollars on sick care. Most of this is spent on expensive high tech treatments and drugs. The US has 5% of the world’s people and we use 50% of the drugs. If you don’t think this is a serious problem just listen carefully to the side effects on an ad for a drug. Give some serious thought to the use of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The question becomes why are so many of us so sick and the answer is life style. It is estimated that 80% of all health problems are related to life style, things like smoking, diet, improper sleep habits, miss use of mind altering drugs, including alcohol, stress and lack of physical activity. Instead of making changes in these life styles which would in fact be health care we instead choose treatments that are sick care. If we want to get medical cost under control the first step is to look at life style. Once those areas are under control the next step is to look into your social relationships and finally your spirituality. At this point you will be happier and healthier and will feel good and all of this is free.

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