Saturday, October 11, 2014


When the details of the holocaust were made public, the world said never again. When 800,000 were slaughtered in Rwanda, President Clinton said it was his biggest mistake not to have intervened. When it looked like a pending massacre in Libya the US stepped in under the new rule laid down by Susan Rice and Samatha Powers saying the US will not stand by like we did in Rwanda. Since then we have witnessed over 200,000 killed in Syria as we failed to follow up on President Obama’s infamous Red Line. Now we are watching ISIS take over most of Iraq and Northern Syria by slaughtering people. The new government in Iraq is now asking for American troops on the ground. In a few years will we once again look back and say never again. Our President who just a few years ago strutted around exuding confidence, some say arrogance, now looks like a lost little boy. I honestly can’t blame him as we elected a man with little experience and raised him to heights unseen and now he cannot live up to our unreasonable expectations. It is an American weakness or perhaps a human weakness to fall for a charismatic, attractive person with great oratorical skills, a person under other circumstances we might refer to as a con-man.

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