Thursday, October 2, 2014


I have suggested on a number of occasions that perhaps our form of government is not sufficient to deal with 300 million people. The recent incident with the Ebola patient who came here from African causes me to think that maybe the world is too big for existing governments to cope. This man carried a sick lady home from the hospital in Liberia and she later died from Ebola. He then boarded a plane for Brussels but was examined and declared healthy. Then he went through the airport and boarded a plane for Ft Worth by way of Dulles in Washington DC. Arriving in Texas he came into contact with 18 people, five of whom were students at different schools. He got sick and went to the hospital where he was in contact with others in the emergency room. The doctor gave him some anti-biotic and sent him home. Two days later an ambulance brought him back to the hospital where he was diagnosed with Ebola. Now the government is telling the parents of the kids in the schools where contact was made, that they are safe.

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